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Is Accounts Payable Outsourcing Right for Your Business


What does Accounts Payable mean?

Accounts payable refer to the short-term debts or obligations that a company has. In accrual basis accounting, businesses maintain accounts payable, which represents the money owed to vendors and suppliers, along with accounts receivable (AR), which represents the money owed to them by customers. These accounts payable are presented in the company’s balance sheet, which provides a snapshot of its financial status. They are listed on the right-hand side under the category of “current liabilities.” Liabilities are arranged based on their due dates, and since accounts payable typically require payment within 30 days, they are listed first.

The Role of the Accounts Payable Function

The primary function of the accounts payable department is to effectively manage the outgoing payments of a business to other organizations and suppliers. An accounts payable professional, usually a bookkeeper or accountant, is responsible for the following tasks:
Building and maintaining relationships with suppliers.
Ensuring the timely tracking, processing, and payment of the company's debts.
Assisting in the development of a payment schedule to optimize cash flow.
Collaborating with suppliers to reconcile any overpayments.
Requesting deadline extensions when necessary.
Centralizing incoming payment requests for the business.

The Importance of an Accounts Payable Professional for Your Business

Small businesses might question the significance of having an accounts payable (AP) department. While the volume of invoices may seem manageable for a relatively small company, as the business grows and the volume increases, it becomes challenging to stay on top of invoices without proper management practices in place. Having an AP professional provides several benefits to your business, including:
Improving the relationship between your business and crucial suppliers and creditors by avoiding missed or late payments.
Maintaining cash balances in conjunction with accounts receivable to monitor and manage cash flow, ensuring sustainability.
Negotiating favorable terms and special discounts from suppliers.
Developing contingency plans in case immediate payment is demanded by a supplier or unexpected costs such as equipment failure or price spikes from suppliers disrupt cash flow.
Providing accurate accounting of the cost of goods bought and sold through a three-way match, which compares a purchase order, shipment receipt, and supplier invoice for discrepancies.
Assisting in creating financial reports and communicating the results or recommendations to improve cash flow.

How Do Accounts Payable Outsourcing Work?

When a company opts for a third-party accounts payable solution, it can be through the services of accounting software, an accounting firm, or a remote freelance accountant or bookkeeper. In the latter cases, a remote professional performs the necessary tasks on a flexible basis at an hourly rate, and the scope of work can be adjusted as business needs change.

Apart from accounts payable, fractional talent can also assist with other specific services like accounts receivable or payroll, depending on your requirements.

The Benefits of Outsourcing

Outsourcing accounts payable offers more than just time savings. The support of a remote expert brings additional advantages, such as:
Assisting in segregating duties with other finance team members to prevent fraud.
Preventing the loss of crucial suppliers due to missed or unpaid bills.
Accessing qualified professionals at a significantly lower cost compared to hiring full-time in-house employees.
Improving and automating processes to make better and faster decisions.
Providing scalable support to your business without the need for a permanent hire.
Eliminating the need for training and costly onboarding, as experienced professionals can hit the ground running.

Is It Right for Your Business?

Businesses with a growing transaction volume can particularly benefit from the expertise of a fractional bookkeeper or accountant. As the business expands and talent becomes stretched thin, the finance department runs the risk of missed, late, or inaccurate payments, which can have short and long-term costs. A flexible solution can help bring the business up to speed as it scales without committing to a full-time hire.

If your business frequently faces supply chain issues or other situations affected by payables, an industry-experienced professional can provide the right recommendations, troubleshoot issues, manage relationships, and save your business money.

Benefits of Outsourcing Accounts Payable

While entrusting your accounts payable to an external party may initially seem daunting, outsourcing accounts payable to a trusted partner can offer numerous advantages, including:
Saving time and money.
Access to new payables solutions and tools.
Improved workflow.
Increased security.
With the right service provider, companies can streamline their business operations, refine their processes, and grow their revenue. An established accounts payable service provider will enhance cash flow and make the overall AP process more efficient, leading to lower costs and building stronger relationships both within the company and with vendors.

Outsourcing accounts payable allows businesses to offload the time-consuming tasks associated with managing payables, such as invoice processing, payment reconciliations, and vendor communication. This frees up valuable time for internal staff to focus on core business activities and strategic initiatives.

Additionally, outsourcing provides access to advanced payables solutions and tools that may not be available or affordable for smaller businesses. These tools can automate manual processes, improve accuracy, and provide real-time visibility into payment statuses and financial data.

By streamlining workflows through outsourcing, businesses can experience improved efficiency and productivity. The external experts handling the accounts payable function can bring their specialized knowledge and experience, implementing best practices and optimizing processes to achieve faster and more accurate results.

Furthermore, outsourcing accounts payable can enhance security measures. Reputable service providers have robust security protocols in place to protect sensitive financial information, reducing the risk of fraud and data breaches. This includes encryption, secure data storage, and regular audits to ensure compliance with industry regulations.

Overall, outsourcing accounts payable offers a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. Instead of hiring and training in-house staff, which comes with additional expenses, businesses can leverage the expertise of outsourced professionals on an as-needed basis. This flexibility allows for scalability, adjusting the level of support based on business requirements and growth.

In conclusion, outsourcing accounts payable can bring numerous benefits to businesses, including time and cost savings, access to advanced solutions, improved workflow, and increased security. By partnering with a reliable service provider, businesses can optimize their payables processes, strengthen relationships with vendors, and focus on their core operations, ultimately driving growth and success.

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